"Strengthening and Uplifting People of Color who are Blind and Visually Impaired."
This page contains Assistive Technology Listing, State, Federal, and Non-Profit agencies that may be able to provide valuable information and/or assistance to you.
Government and Non-Profit Agencies
Amazon for People with Disabilities 1-888-283-1678
Americans with Disabilities Act http://www.ada.gov/
American Council for the Blind (ACB) http://acb.org - Strives to increase the independence, security, equality of opportunity, and quality of life, for all blind and visually impaired people.
American Foundation for the Blind - http://www.afb.org/
Disabilities Rights, New Jersey - https://disabilityrightsnj.org/ - Advocating and advancing the human, civil and legal rights of persons with disabilities. 210 South Broad St, Trenton, NJ 08608 Call (609) 292-9742
Door Dash number for Visually Impaired/Blind 1-855-300-8985
Equal Employment Opportunities Commission - http://www.eeoc.gov For general inquiries or to begin the process of filing a complaint of discrimination, call 1-800-669-4000
Guiding Eyes, Yorktown Heights, NY - https://www.guidingeyes.org/
National Black Disability Coalition - http://www.blackdisability.org
Never Alone Again (a domestic violence organization) - https://www.neveraloneagain.org/who-we-are
New Jersey affiliate of the National Federation of the Blind - http://www.nfbnj.org/
New Jersey Commission for the Blind - http://www.state.nj.us/humanservices/cbvi/home/ or call 877-685-8878
New Jersey Community Health Law Project - http://www.chlp.org
New Jersey Counties Personal Assistant Service Program (P.A.S.P.) - https://www.nj.gov/humanservices/dds/programs/personalassistance/#:~:text=The%20PASP%20is%20a%20personal,in%20community%20volunteer%20work%20and
New Jersey Division on Civil Rights Call: 1-888-285-3036
Philip E Freeman
State of New Jersey Office of the Attorney General -- email Philip.freeman@njcivilrights.gov
PO Box 089
140 E Front Street, 6th Floor
Trenton, NJ 08625
New Jersey Division of Disability Services - https://www.nj.gov/humanservices/dds/
Newly Reformatted Resource Directory - New Jersey Resources
Audio of New Jersey Resource Guide Chapter 19 - English - https://youtu.be/9WWT7QYpsx8
Audio of New Jersey Resource Guide Chapter 19 - Spanish
New Jersey Statewide Independent Living Council - https://www.njsilc.org/
(The) Seeing Eyes, Morristown, NJ – https://www.seeingeye.org/
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) CARES https://www.tsa.gov/travel/tsa-cares - Call 1-855-787-2227, option #1.
What is TSA CARES? TSA screening has a feature for people with disabilities to have a Passenger Support Specialist to accompany the traveler through the screening process at the airport to make sure the passengers rights are not violated, and their belongings are kept intact.
Vision Loss Alliance of NJ - https://www.njffb.org/
Tax Tips For The Blind and Visually Impaired
Anyone whose field of vision falls at or below 20 degrees, who wears corrective glasses but whose vision is 20/200 or less in his best eye, or who has no eyesight at all, meets the legal definition of being blind and is eligible for certain tax deductions.
Select this link for more information on tax deductions for persons with disabilities.
Downloadable Documents - click on the document title to download
Guidelines for Healthcare Workers Serving Individuals who are Blind, Visually Impaired or Deaf-Blind
Other Resources
Career Connect, Family Connect and Vision Aware in One Place - https://aphconnectcenter.org/
​Hadley School for the Blind http://www.hadley.edu/default.asp - On Line education plus life basics and social interactions!
​Lighting in and around the home: A guide to better lighting for people with sight loss
Lutheran Braile Evangelism Association - http://www.lbea.org/ - for audio bibles, in other formats and other spiritual literature
National Crisis / Suicide Lifeline: 988
National Domestic Violence 24-hour Hot Line: 1-800-799-7233
Reach NJ - New Jersey Addiction Help Line: 1-844-732-2465
Vision Loss and Mental Wellness - https://lowvision.preventblindness.org/vision-loss-and-mental-wellness/